Here's an example of research findings about how the act of savouring can enhance mental health:
"In older adults, greater ability to savor positive experiences and higher resilience both predicted greater happiness, lower depression, and greater satisfaction with life (i.e., greater psychological well-being). Savoring is associated with positive outcomes for people with higher and lower levels of resilience." [Smith, J.L and Hollinger-Smith, L, 2014, Mather LifeWays Institute on Aging , Evanston , IL , USA.]
The great thing about savouring is that you can do it at any time, whatever you are doing!
Ideally, use savouring with what you are doing at this moment - (so if you are looking at your phone or computer, open your senses to the colours, shapes, sounds, scents and sensations you are experiencing right now....)
A fun way to use savouring, though, is to use it to revisit and enhance a pleasant experience you have had. Make some time for yourself and think of this as a “mini vacation”. In this time you can think, write or draw about a happy, joyful experience you had sometime in the last week.
(For example, a nice conversation with someone, or looking at a beautiful sky or garden.)
Think about the people, smells, sounds, sights and physical sensations you had at that time.
Remind yourself of the emotions you felt at that time.
Remind yourself how you managed to create this pleasant event.
Write, draw or think anything else that makes you feel good about the event.
Really wallow! Imagine the good feelings you had washing over you.
You can also deliberately create a small experience such as looking at a lovely scene and practice savouring that pleasant experience in the moment.
What's not to like!!!